If you’re searching for an advocate who will look at your unique situation, needs and goals to provide retirement strategies with a personal touch, then you’re in the right place. I do my best work for retirees who want to know:
Will my assets support my lifestyle throughout my retirement?
How can I reduce my lifetime tax bill?
What strategies can I implement now to protect my wealth?

Just as every person is unique, so too are their goals, needs, and circumstances. I understand this, and strive to make you feel as comfortable working with me as possible. When you call my office, you talk to me personally, and are met with individual attention that will exceed expectations.

As an independent firm, you can trust me to provide objective advice and trusted guidance. I work closely with you to develop financial solutions that strive to withstand fluctuations in the markets and unexpected life events. I focus purely on you and your needs, and how best to serve them.

As a fee only advisor, you can rest assured that I only offer solutions to clients that I believe are most appropriate, without the sway of sales quotas or commission. You’ll never have to worry about being guided to use your money in a way that serves anyone other than you. “Fee only” means I do not receive referral or affiliate fees, do not receive commissions of any sort and do not have limits on what I am allowed to recommend.